The Marina of Forio d’Ischia offers a well-protected mooring for any type of boat in the west of the island of Ischia. Its strategic position allows to reach easily and quickly both the Pontine Islands and Procida and Capri and the Sorrento Peninsula. It is also an excellent landing point for yachtsmen heading for the Aeolian Islands and Sicily. The Marina of Forio is able to accommodate more than 250 boats between 5 and 40 meters in length and is equipped, for the smaller boats up to super yachts, with all the best services and comfort guaranteed by the excellence of the Marinedi Group.
In respect of nature and the surrounding landscape, the Marina stands between two splendid promontories, Punta Caruso and Punta Imperatore, interspersed with the most beautiful uncontaminated bays of the island. Among inlets and promontories, bathed by waters on which is reflected the iridescent green of the vineyards of Mount Epomeo, Forio allows bathing not only along its extensive and beautiful beaches, but also in more secluded places. From the Marina you can easily reach the famous bay of Sorgeto that, for the presence of thermal pools is, in any season, the most suggestive destination for night swimming. Even the nearby beach of Citara, rich in springs and pools of water at different temperatures, is unique for relaxing swims and recreation.
From the port area of Forio you can enjoy incomparable views. Situated in a scenario of great beauty, the Marina rises in the only municipality of the island that has kept intact its historical centre, studded with alleys, watch towers, noble palaces, perfectly preserved monuments, and ancient churches such as San Francesco di Paola and S. Vito. Among all the most prestigious and well known is the Church of Soccorso, also known as S. Maria della Neve, known for its architecture and its striking white color, which stands out, even in the distance, among the colors of the promontory on which it stands. In addition to the magnificent historical, natural and landscape heritage, the Marina boasts the inclusion in the Marine Protected Area “Regno di Nettuno”, established in 2007 around the islands of Ischia, Procida and Vivara.

Campania (ITA)
LAT. 40.73577 – LONG. 13.85551 – GMT +1
General Data:
Total boat places: 200
Maximum boat length: 30 m.